环境信息及故障现象 集群版本 v4.0.0
故障现象 TiDB 集群的物理机异常断电重启,机器恢复后,通过 tiup cluster start <cluster-name>
启动集群,发现有两个 PD
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [root@localhost ~]# tiup cluster start t11 Starting component `cluster`: /root/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.0.0/cluster start t11 Starting cluster t11... + [ Serial ] - SSHKeySet: privateKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/t11/ssh/id_rsa, publicKey=/root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/t11/ssh/id_rsa.pub + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [Parallel] - UserSSH: user=tidb, host= + [ Serial ] - ClusterOperate: operation=StartOperation, options={Roles:[] Nodes:[] Force:false SSHTimeout:5 OptTimeout:60 APITimeout:300} Starting component pd Starting instance pd Starting instance pd Starting instance pd Start pd success retry error: operation timed out after 1m0s pd failed to start: timed out waiting for port 2379 to be started after 1m0s, please check the log of the instance retry error: operation timed out after 1m0s pd failed to start: timed out waiting for port 2379 to be started after 1m0s, please check the log of the instance Error: failed to start: failed to start pd: pd failed to start: timed out waiting for port 2379 to be started after 1m0s, please check the log of the instance: timed out waiting for port 2379 to be started after 1m0s Verbose debug logs has been written to /root/logs/tiup-cluster-debug-2020-06-16-16-28-39.log. Error: run `/root/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.0.0/cluster` (wd:/root/.tiup/data/S23ruRB) failed: exit status 1
登陆到 PD
节点所在机器,查看 pd-server
进程的确不存在,通过 pd.log
日志查看 PD
1 2 3 4 5 6 [2020/06/16 16:29:10.180 +08:00] [INFO] [systime_mon.go:26] ["start system time monitor"] [2020/06/16 16:29:10.181 +08:00] [INFO] [backend.go:79] ["opened backend db"] [path=/tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379/member/snap/db] [took=739.112µs] [2020/06/16 16:29:10.182 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:443] ["recovered v2 store from snapshot"] [snapshot-index=1400015] [snapshot-size="22 kB"] [2020/06/16 16:29:10.195 +08:00] [WARN] [db.go:92] ["failed to find [SNAPSHOT-INDEX].snap.db"] [snapshot-index=1400015] [snapshot-file-path=/tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379/member/snap/0000000000155ccf.snap.db] [error="snap: snapshot file doesn't exist"] [2020/06/16 16:29:10.195 +08:00] [PANIC] [server.go:454] ["failed to recover v3 backend from snapshot"] [error="failed to find database snapshot file (snap: snapshot file doesn't exist)"] [2020/06/16 16:29:10.195 +08:00] [FATAL] [log.go:292] [panic] [recover="\"invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference\""] [stack="github.com/pingcap/log.Fatal\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/pkg/mod/github.com/pingcap/log@v0.0.0-20200117041106-d28c14d3b1cd/global.go:59\ngithub.com/pingcap/pd/v4/pkg/logutil.LogPanic\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/src/github.com/pingcap/pd/pkg/logutil/log.go:292\nruntime.gopanic\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:679\nruntime.panicmem\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:199\nruntime.sigpanic\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:394\ngo.etcd.io/etcd/etcdserver.NewServer.func1\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/pkg/mod/go.etcd.io/etcd@v0.5.0-alpha.5.0.20191023171146-3cf2f69b5738/etcdserver/server.go:335\nruntime.gopanic\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:679\ngo.uber.org/zap/zapcore.(*CheckedEntry).Write\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/pkg/mod/go.uber.org/zap@v1.13.0/zapcore/entry.go:230\ngo.uber.org/zap.(*Logger).Panic\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/pkg/mod/go.uber.org/zap@v1.13.0/logger.go:225\ngo.etcd.io/etcd/etcdserver.NewServer\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/pkg/mod/go.etcd.io/etcd@v0.5.0-alpha.5.0.20191023171146-3cf2f69b5738/etcdserver/server.go:454\ngo.etcd.io/etcd/embed.StartEtcd\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/pkg/mod/go.etcd.io/etcd@v0.5.0-alpha.5.0.20191023171146-3cf2f69b5738/embed/etcd.go:211\ngithub.com/pingcap/pd/v4/server.(*Server).startEtcd\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/src/github.com/pingcap/pd/server/server.go:257\ngithub.com/pingcap/pd/v4/server.(*Server).Run\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/src/github.com/pingcap/pd/server/server.go:441\nmain.main\n\t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/build_pd_multi_branch_v4.0.0/go/src/github.com/pingcap/pd/cmd/pd-server/main.go:118\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:203"]
看到两个 PD
节点都报 failed to recover v3 backedn from snapshot
故障原因分析 故障解决步骤 参考官方文档 PD Recover 使用文档 ,通过 pd-recovery
根据文档内容主要分为 3 个步骤:1. 找到 cluster id
2. 找到当前最大 alloc id
3. 通过 pd-recovery 恢复 pd 集群
这边的话,都是通过 PD 日志来查找 cluster id
和 alloc id
查找 cluster id
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [root@localhost ~]# cat /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379/log/pd.log | grep "init cluster id" [2020/05/06 23:37:02.121 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:340] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/05/07 00:03:25.132 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:340] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/05/07 11:45:39.338 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:340] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/05/25 14:54:50.076 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/05/25 16:45:55.526 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/05/25 16:48:21.462 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/06/01 19:13:17.478 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/06/04 02:28:29.655 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/06/05 22:27:46.152 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/06/08 22:50:30.045 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/06/08 22:50:59.534 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966] [2020/06/11 01:48:35.936 +08:00] [INFO] [server.go:336] ["init cluster id"] [cluster-id=6823755660393880966]
查找当前最大的 alloc id
,因为 pd-recovery 去恢复的时候需要指定一个比当前最大的 alloc id
更大的 alloc id
,所以需要对所有的 pd 节点日志进行查找
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 pd-1 [root@localhost ~]# cat /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379/log/pd.log | grep "allocates" [2020/05/06 23:37:04.752 +08:00] [INFO] [id.go:110] ["idAllocator allocates a new id"] [alloc-id=1000] [2020/05/12 11:21:28.271 +08:00] [INFO] [id.go:110] ["idAllocator allocates a new id"] [alloc-id=2000] pd-2 [root@localhost ~]# cat /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379/log/pd.log | grep "allocates" pd-3 [root@localhost ~]# cat /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379/log/pd.log | grep "allocates" [2020/05/27 11:20:20.687 +08:00] [INFO] [id.go:110] ["idAllocator allocates a new id"] [alloc-id=3000] [2020/06/10 18:04:43.361 +08:00] [INFO] [id.go:110] ["idAllocator allocates a new id"] [alloc-id=4000]
删除旧 PD 集群 data 目录下的所有内容,因为这个集群 PD 节点 data 目录为 /tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379 ,所以删除 /tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379 目录下所有内容
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 查看 data 目录 [root@localhost ~]# tiup cluster display t11 ...... pd 2379/2380 linux/x86_64 Healthy /tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379 /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379 pd 2379/2380 linux/x86_64 Healthy /tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379 /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379 pd 2379/2380 linux/x86_64 Healthy|L /tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379 /tidb/tidb-bin/pd-2379 ...... 删除数据目录 [root@localhost ~]# mv /tidb/tidb-data/pd-2379/* /tmp
启动 PD 集群
1 tiup cluster start t11 -R pd
通过 pd-recovery 恢复集群,--endpoints
指定一个 pd 节点,-cluster-id
指定查找到的 cluster-id ,-alloc-id
指定比查找到的最大 alloc id 更大的一个数字,所以这边只要指定一个比 4000 更大的数字即可
1 2 [root@localhost ~]# ./pd-recover -endpoints -cluster-id 6823755660393880966 -alloc-id 10000 recover success! please restart the PD cluster
重启 PD 集群
1 tiup cluster restart t11 -R pd
1 tiup cluster display t11
通过 tiup 部署的 TiDB 集群需要用户自己下载 pd-recovery 工具,可以通过 http://download.pingcap.org/tidb--linux-amd64.tar.gz